Provide life table classes for life insurance purposes | MortalityTables-package MortalityTables |
Return the defined ages of the life table | ages ages,mortalityTable.jointLives-method ages,mortalityTable.mixed-method ages,mortalityTable.observed-method ages,mortalityTable.period-method |
Return the age shift of the age-shifted life table given the birth year | ageShift ageShift,mortalityTable-method ageShift,mortalityTable.ageShift-method |
Return the base table of the life table | baseTable baseTable,mortalityTable-method baseTable,mortalityTable.jointLives-method baseTable,mortalityTable.period-method |
Return the base year of the life table | baseYear baseYear,mortalityTable-method baseYear,mortalityTable.jointLives-method baseYear,mortalityTable.mixed-method |
Calculate the improvement factors for the given birth-year and the 'mortalityTable.improvementFactors' object | calculateImprovements calculateImprovements,mortalityTable.improvementFactors-method |
Calculate the commutation numbers for the given parameters, using the mortality table and an interest rate | commutationNumbers commutationNumbers,mortalityTable-method commutationNumbers,numeric-method commutationNumbers,pensionTable-method |
Return the (cohort) death probabilities of the life table given the birth year (if needed) | deathProbabilities deathProbabilities,mortalityTable.ageShift-method deathProbabilities,mortalityTable.improvementFactors-method deathProbabilities,mortalityTable.jointLives-method deathProbabilities,mortalityTable.mixed-method deathProbabilities,mortalityTable.observed-method deathProbabilities,mortalityTable.period-method deathProbabilities,mortalityTable.trendProjection-method |
Return a matrix of the persons' individual death probabilities of a joint-life table (instance of 'mortalityTable.jointLives') | deathProbabilitiesIndividual |
Fill the given probabilities with NA to match the desired age range. | fillAges |
Fit an exponential function exp(-A*(x-x0)) to the last value (f(100) and f'(100) need to coincide): | fitExpExtrapolation |
Generate data.frame containing age shifts for each birth year | generateAgeShift |
Return the cohort life table as a 'mortalityTable.period' object | getCohortTable getCohortTable,mortalityTable-method |
Return the maximum age of the life table | getOmega getOmega,mortalityTable.jointLives-method getOmega,mortalityTable.mixed-method getOmega,mortalityTable.observed-method getOmega,mortalityTable.period-method |
Return the period life table as a 'mortalityTable.period' object | getPeriodTable getPeriodTable,mortalityTable-method |
Return the lifetable object (package lifecontingencies) for the cohort life table | lifeTable lifeTable,array-method lifeTable,list-method lifeTable,mortalityTable-method lifeTable,NULL-method |
Converts one or multiple mortality table objects to a data frame that can be plotted by 'plotMortalityTables' or 'plotMortalityTableComparisons' | makeQxDataFrame |
Calculate relative mortalities for age bands and birth years | mortalityComparisonTable |
Return the mortality trend (yearly log-death-probability improvement) of the given period or the given generation. | mortalityImprovement mortalityImprovement,mortalityTable-method |
Class mortalityTable | mortalityTable mortalityTable-class |
Class mortalityTable.ageShift - Cohort life tables generated by age-shift | mortalityTable.ageShift mortalityTable.ageShift-class |
Class mortalityTable.deMoivre - Mortality table with de Moivre's law | mortalityTable.deMoivre mortalityTable.deMoivre-class |
Class mortalityTable.improvementFactors - Cohort life table with improvement factors | mortalityTable.improvementFactors mortalityTable.improvementFactors-class |
Class mortalityTable.jointLives - Life table for multiple joint lives | mortalityTable.jointLives mortalityTable.jointLives-class |
Class mortalityTable.MakehamGompertz - Mortality table with Makeham-Gompertz's law | mortalityTable.MakehamGompertz mortalityTable.MakehamGompertz-class |
Class mortalityTable.mixed - Life table as a mix of two life tables | mortalityTable.mixed mortalityTable.mixed-class |
Empty mortality table indicating NA | mortalityTable.NA |
Class mortalityTable.observed - Life table from actual observations | mortalityTable.observed mortalityTable.observed-class |
Generate a (deterministic) mortality table with only one probability set to 1 (for the given age) | mortalityTable.once |
Generate a (deterministic) mortality table with all probabilities starting at a given age set to 1 | mortalityTable.onceAndFuture |
Class mortalityTable.period - Period life tables | mortalityTable.period mortalityTable.period-class |
Class mortalityTable.trendProjection - Cohort mortality table with age-specific trend | mortalityTable.trendProjection mortalityTable.trendProjection-class |
Class mortalityTable.Weibull - Mortality table with Weibull's law | mortalityTable.Weibull mortalityTable.Weibull-class |
Generate a mortality table with all probabilities set to zero. | mortalityTable.zeroes |
List all available sets of life tables provided by the MortalityTables-package package An existing life table can then be loaded with mortalityTables.load. | mortalityTables.list |
Load a named set of mortality tables provided by the MortalityTables package | mortalityTables.load |
Remove all non-essential data (raw data, etc.) from a mortalityTable object | mT.cleanup mT.cleanup,array-method mT.cleanup,list-method mT.cleanup,mortalityTable-method mT.cleanup,mortalityTable.observed-method mT.cleanup,mortalityTable.period-method mT.cleanup,mortalityTable.trendProjection-method mT.cleanup,pensionTable-method |
Extrapolate base table of a mortalityTable using an exponential function | mT.extrapolateProbsExp |
Extrapolate a mortality trend exponentially | mT.extrapolateTrendExp |
Restrict/expand a mortalityTable to certain ages | mT.fillAges |
Fit interpolation law to a mortality table and extrapolate | mT.fitExtrapolationLaw |
Round all components of a mortality table to the given number of digits | mT.round mT.round,array-method mT.round,list-method mT.round,mortalityTable-method mT.round,mortalityTable.improvementFactors-method mT.round,mortalityTable.observed-method mT.round,mortalityTable.period-method mT.round,mortalityTable.trendProjection-method mT.round,pensionTable-method |
Scale all probabilities of the given 'mortalityTable' object(s) by the given factor | mT.scaleProbs |
Set additional information (year, description, type of risk, sex, etc.) for the mortality table. | mT.setDimInfo |
Sets a new name for the given mortality table or the list/table/array of mortalityTables | mT.setName |
Set/Add a trend vector for the probabilities of the given 'mortalityTable' object(s). Returns a 'mortalityTable.trendProjection' object | mT.addTrend mT.setTrend |
Switch over mortalities from one table to another at a given age | mT.switchover |
Translate base table of a cohort mortality table to a different observation year | mT.translate |
Class pensionTable | pensionTable pensionTable-class |
List all available sets of pension tables provided by the MortalityTables-package package An existing pension table can then be loaded with pensionTables.load. | pensionTables.list |
Load a named set of pension tables provided by the MortalityTables package | pensionTables.load |
Return the (period) death probabilities of the life table for a given observation year | periodDeathProbabilities periodDeathProbabilities,mortalityTable.ageShift-method periodDeathProbabilities,mortalityTable.improvementFactors-method periodDeathProbabilities,mortalityTable.jointLives-method periodDeathProbabilities,mortalityTable.mixed-method periodDeathProbabilities,mortalityTable.observed-method periodDeathProbabilities,mortalityTable.period-method periodDeathProbabilities,mortalityTable.trendProjection-method |
Return a matrix of the persons' individual period death probabilities of a joint-life table (instance of 'mortalityTable.jointLives') | periodDeathProbabilitiesIndividual |
Return all period transition probabilities of the pension table | periodTransitionProbabilities periodTransitionProbabilities,pensionTable-method |
Plot multiple mortality tables (life tables) in one plot | plot.mortalityTable |
Plot multiple mortality tables (life tables) in one plot, relative to a given reference table | plotMortalityTableComparisons |
Plot multiple mortality tables (life tables) in one plot | plotMortalityTables |
Plot the trends of multiple mortality tables (life tables) in one chart | plotMortalityTrend |
Austrian population count (exposure) and deaths in 2017 | PopulationData.AT2017 |
Calculate the total mortality of the pension table | pT.calculateTotalMortality pT.recalculateTotalMortality |
Extract a sub-table from a pensionTable | pT.getSubTable |
Set additional information (year, description, type of risk, sex, etc.) for the pension table. | pT.setDimInfo |
Return a copy of the table with an additional loading added | setLoading setLoading,mortalityTable-method |
Return a copy of the table with the given modification function added | setModification setModification,mortalityTable-method |
Return all transition probabilities of the pension table (generational probabilities) | transitionProbabilities transitionProbabilities,pensionTable-method |
Return a 'mortalityTable.trendProjection' object with the trend damping removed. | undampenTrend undampenTrend,mortalityTable.trendProjection-method |
Smooth a life table using the Whittaker-Henderson method, intepolation possibly missing values | whittaker.mortalityTable |